This time of the year is a bit crazy for us plumbers. Lots of people are turning on their boilers for the first time as the weather starts to bite and finding components have gone on the blink, or started to think they might need a service. We’ve been getting lots of enquiries about fitting new boilers and heating systems, too. I must say I do find this a bit odd when some installs can take a few days, during which time there is no heating and hot water. Why not get it done in the middle of summer, I say. Guess I should not complain…

We’ve been working on a shower room for an absolutely lovely lady in Palmeira Square, Hove this week. Great job but there is just one thing… The flat is on the top floor and although there is a lift it has been out of action for about 10 years! All this up and down stairs is killing me (though it’s probably killing my apprentice more to be honest). It will be worth it in the end though as I know it’s going to look brilliant and she will be happy and at the end of the day that’s why I am in it (not for the money, of course!).