As a Brighton boiler installer, customers usually ask me which boilers I prefer to install. At h2flow we have experience with all makes and models of boilers from the different manufacturers. But if the customer asks for my advice, my preferred manufacturer is Worcester Bosch.
Reasons for Choosing Worcester Bosch
The reasons I choose Worcester Bosch boilers are as follows:
- Worcester Bosch use high quality components from trusted manufacturers
- They give a 5-year warranty as standard. Plus in my experience Worcester Bosch don’t nit-pick over what is and isn’t covered by this warranty. So they will come and sort out any problem with the boiler within this timeframe. No questions asked!
- They provide excellent after sales care. On the very few occasions I have had problems, Worcester Bosch are very responsive. They send an engineer to sort it out quickly
Worcester Bosch engineers are very highly trained and knowledgeable on their products
- The build quality is outstanding. I have been to the factory in Worcester where they build these boilers and witnessed the quality control on the assembly line for myself
- Familiarity – I know the boilers well and have installed hundreds of them so I really know what I am doing with them
- Confidence in the brand – most people know the brand and trust them
What to do Next if You Need a New Boiler
I hope this advice is helpful to you if you are looking for a Brighton boiler installer and wondering about which is the best brand of boiler for you to have installed in your home.
Do you need any further advice about which boiler will best meet your needs? If so please give us a call and I will be happy to come and see you to discuss this further and give you a free, no obligation quote.
On the other hand, do you have your own preference for a different make of boiler? At h2flow our plumbers are experienced in working with all makes of boiler.
So if you are looking for a Brighton boiler installer to replace your old boiler with a Worcester Bosch (or one made by another manufacturer) in or around the Brighton and Hove area please get in touch with us for a highly competitive quote.